
ATFWKfrontcover4cfnl61411forweb1The Newly Revised Edition of A Timber Framer's Workshop is now available!!!

The major portion of A Timber Framer's Workshop was first written back in ATFWKbackcover4cfnl61411forweb1a1983. Over a period of a number of years several revisions and additions took place, as it was used as the handout workshop manual for Fox Maple Timber Framing Workshops. At last, it was published for general distribution in 1998.

When this book was first written, there did not exist any scientific testing results for pegged mortise and tenon joinery. The corollaries that could be made were drawn from testing results for bolted connections. This is common in engineering, because the essential physical laws concerning force and motion, primarily Newtonian physics, are symmetrical. Therefore, it is possible to extrapolate from the results of one test the critical information that may reasonably be assumed to apply to a different, albeit similar, condition. However, nothing ever beats a direct test for a specific condition, as the results end with an emphatic exclamation point. In recent years, a number of testing results have now been carried out and published for specific conditions of pegged joinery. While the extrapolated results of the past have proven to be on target with reality, reality beats extrapolation hands-down every time. The impetus for this revision was in large part to update and include some of these new testing results so that the readers would be privy to the latest engineering results available.

Along the way, over 150 new photos and drawings were added and editorial additions were made to clarify specific conditions, or to more fully explain a critical aspect of timber framing. While the essential book is the same, virtually every element is expanded in some way to paint a more vibrant picture of the technical aspects of how to build a traditional timber frame. In addition, there is an expanded element of color and nuance to make the reader understand more fully the magic of timber framing. Order Now

This revised edition has 272 pages and over 500 photos and drawing—of which over 150 are new.

This edition includes a number of new revisions including updates on the Engineering of pegged joinery...
Expanded tips and techniques...
0ver 150 new photos and drawings...

and much more...


The revised edition has
expanded chapters on...

• Structural Design Considerations
• Bent Framing & Joinery Design
• Tension Joinery
• Roof Framing & Truss Design
• Timber & Wood Technology
• Tips & Techniques
• Joinery Details
• Timber Frame Plans
• Builders Math & Engineering and more...



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A Timber Framer's Workshop
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Time Flies! 2022 marked
Fox Maple's 40th year of teaching
Perfection & Grace.

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Advanced TF July 8-13
Combined July 1-13


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ADVANCED Timber Framing
Gold Medalist
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Book Awards

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2nd Edition of
ADVANCED Timber Framing
At last, this long awaited book is now in stock and ready for immediate shipment.
This is a 368 page, hard cover volume that is jam packed with information about the design and construction of compound timber framed roof systems. From history to Design and Execution, Advanced
Timber Framing has it all covered.
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New Revised Edition
A Timber Framer's Workshop

This 272 pg. Revised Edition has over 150 new photos and includes updated engineering and comprehensive in-depth technical information on the joinery, design and construction of Traditional Timber Frames. Illustrated with over 500 photos and CAD drawings. Click on the book cover for more info or
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